BONUS 0.8. Alternate Channels - Talking Queer TV with Steven Capsuto

We’re bringing you a bonus episode here on the History is Gay feed today, so get ready for a ride through the history of queers on TV! Leigh got a chance to sit down and talk with Steven Capsuto, author of Alternate Channels: Queer Images on 20th-Century TV, a deep dive into the history of queer representation on radio and the small screen from the 1930s to 2000! We chat about our favorite moments of representation from the era, the impact and role of gay activists in moving the needle forward for narrative depictions of queerness, and more!

This new edition features over 100 photos that weren’t included in the first printing in 2000, and is beautifully reimagined!

alternate channels.jpg

Where To Find Steven online:

Until next time, stay queer and stay curious!